Park Douglas (P1)


Chicago, Illinois

B-M Ogden LLC

137 Units
3 Stories
114 Parking Spaces
188,500 GSF

Located on the Chicago Housing Authority’s former Lawndale Gardens site and scattered infill sites, the 19-building development comprises 60 public housing units, 49 units targeted to low- and moderate income households, and 28 market-rate units. The new buildings are comfortably integrated into the fabric of the existing neighborhood through the use of familiar materials such as face brick and stone, connecting both contemporary and traditional designs. The units incorporate many sustainable features with walls, windows and roofs that exceed city standards for insulation. Each of the buildings has been awarded certification as three stars by the Chicago Green Homes Program (CGHP), and the Management Office, envisioned to be a model for sustainable construction, has attained LEED® Gold Certification.

LEED® Gold Certified

The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence in Community Design, Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards
Pride in Construction Award, Residential Construction, Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO)

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