Orchard Park


Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Dwelling Association

54 Units
3 Stories
54 Parking Spaces
157,900 GSF
3.6 Acres

Located on Chicago’s near North Side, this ground-breaking development was the first privately-owned for sale, mixed-income community in the nation built on land leased from a public housing authority (Chicago Housing Authority). Situated on a 3.6 acre site that was formerly an expansive lawn in front of the neighboring (CHA) Flannery Homes, a major design challenge was to successfully integrate the new townhomes with an existing senior housing high-rise building, while also taking into consideration the existing population in the adjacent Flannery Homes. The site plan carefully organized the various residences to promote safety and quality of life enhancement, utilizing common areas and open green spaces to distinguish each component. Public housing units were evenly distributed throughout the development, indistinguishable from the market-rate units. Simple architectural configurations, brick with inset detailing, alternating colors, limestone accents, and professional landscaping produce a housing form that is functional, affordable, and aesthetically pleasing.

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