The Commonwealth


Chicago, Illinois

The Commonwealth LLC

37 Units
4 Stories
89 Parking Spaces
141,300 GSF

Located in Chicago’s historic South Loop District, The Commonwealth reintroduces 1890’s architecture while incorporating the comforts of modern life. The project consists of two separate townhouse configurations: a 17-unit component positioned along Prairie Avenue (The Mansions on Prairie Avenue), backed by a 20-unit component beyond a paver stone drive court for the mansions. Set in an historic context of granite curbs, antique street lamps, and nearby iron-fenced park, these new luxury residences bring back the rich architectural style of the neighborhood’s Gilded Age. The 3-4 bedroom Mansions feature a traditional 4-story with basement townhouse design, including brick facades with grand limestone entrances, gabled roofs, rich limestone details and copper work.

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