University Village


Chicago, Illinois

South Campus Development Team

147 Units
3 Stories
16.4 Acres

Located just south of the University of Illinois at Chicago, University Village is an expansive redevelopment project designed to help revitalize the city’s Near West Side. The complex of townhouses and condominiums exists within a pedestrian-friendly framework of tree-lined public streets, lushly landscaped greenways and three strategically placed neighborhood parks. Patterned after vintage Chicago styles, and utilizing human-scaled materials and varying rooflines, the architecture bespeaks both respect for the past and anticipation for the future. Gracefully delineated, the buildings turn the corner and form interesting outdoor spaces anchored by expressive round turret bays. Highly articulated entries of masonry and stone, articulated stone accents, brick cornice detailing, brick arches, patterned Flemish bond accents and corbelled bays are employed to evoke the rich architectural heritage of the community.

City Development of the Year, from the Chicago Sun-Times

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